George carlin youtube environment
George carlin youtube environment

View the request hereĥ) MASKS GIVE NO PROTECTION AND CAUSE HARM You can read one of the Freedom Of Information Requests from Canada hereĤ) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST 2 = NO DEATHS FROM COVID-19Īnother freedom of information request from the UK asked how many people have died from covid-19 alone, not counting those who had other reasons for their death. There have been several requests of information that have been replied to and they clearly state there has been no isolation of “Covid-19” The virus does not exist. Read article hereģ) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST 1 = NO VIRUS PROVEN TO EXIST The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals. They should all be prosecuted and held accountable for their endless mass deception campaign. Western mass media, health professionals, organizations and governments world wide are complicit in the greatest ever public health crime against humanity. Since flu was renamed Covid-19, and other diseases and deaths have been re branded covid last year, unprecedented harm was inflicted on countless millions of people. Here is an 11 point summary of the big picture and some key focus articles. We have hundreds of articles on exposing the truth about COVID-19 and all measures taken in response to it. This report covers all of the current information around the world of the destruction and death that these vaccines are causing: Read Report Here If found guilty they could be sentenced to death.


Not providing information on the side effects and risk factors, or the full ingredient list to people makes it impossible for them to give informed consent. Thousands of medical professionals that are upholding their oath to do no harm, have spoken out against the vaccines due to the injuries and deaths they have witnessed in the vaccinated.Īnd on the other side, thousands of medical professionals are complicit in genocide and have violated the Nuremberg Code. Millions of people have been injured for life or murdered within days of receiving the death shot so called vaccine. Whistleblowers testify that there were no excess deaths in 2020 at all, and as soon as they started the vaccine campaign, deaths increased and all were vaccinated. There is no delta, just vaccine injuries. The hospitals are full of the vaccinated with vaccine side effects. And if they have only received one shot, they are also considered to be unvaccinated. Now if someone dies within 14 days of receiving the vaccine they are considered to be unvaccinated.

george carlin youtube environment

The statistics are being distorted to hide the genocide. And all the vaccinated are expected to die from the vaccine within a few years. The actual number of people injured or dead after receiving the vaccine is already in the millions. The official numbers are in the tens of thousands, which is more than enough to halt all covid vaccines on the planet. The number of people dying from the Covid vaccines is being covered up. The Vaccine Is Killing Millions of People

George carlin youtube environment